Symptoms of Bruxism

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Teeth grinding or bruxism can cause many different symptoms. The most common symptoms are headaches, facial pain and abnormal wearing or damage of the teeth. The effects from grinding the teeth are permanent but others, particularly facial pain can cease once the grinding comes to a halt.

Teeth grinding symptoms include headaches, sometimes severe depending on how intense the grinding is, facial muscle pain known as myalgia, particularly in the jaw and cheek areas, earache, tightness of the shoulder muscles and pain in the jaw known as the temporomandibular joint. The teeth can then become worn down and have increased sensitivity and possibility of decay and removal. Gums can recede or become inflamed and at times it can even be difficult to open the mouth and extend the jaws.

Not all cases of bruxism are severe so it is therefore not always the case that tooth wear occurs. However, when it becomes obvious that the grinding is taking its toll on the teeth it is recommended that you seek dental treatment to prevent further damage or even infection. It is suggested that you talk to your dentist as soon as you become aware of the fact you may be grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. Your dentist can then check for signs of bruxism and help suggest the best possible treatment. By taking action early, you can detect any underlying problems that may be present and catch them before they advance.

If you are suffering from anxiety and stress, pop along to your GP and discuss the possibility of bruxism. Treatment is available to help control and manage stress levels and this in turn will help with the symptoms caused by bruxism.

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