Tag Archives: clenching

Coping With Sleep Bruxism

About eight to 10 percent of the adult population have a secret malady called sleep bruxism, a sleep disorder characterized by the grinding or clenching of teeth. Some people do it unconsciously even when they are awake. Stress usually has something to do with it, but the origins of the disorder are quite varied. The effects of bruxism are seldom anywhere near as bad as during sleep when the body’s protective mechanisms are turned off. Without proper treatment, the condition may cause serious damage to the teeth […]

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How to Stop Bruxism

Knowing how to stop bruxism or teeth grinding is relevant to what is causing it in the first place. In most cases bruxism is the result of stress so in order to stop or control teeth clenching and grinding, eliminating tress can be the answer behind the cure. Without doubt stress is guilty of many acquired health complaints and conditions, bruxism being one of them. Whether it is money worries or something of a more personal nature stress can be the number one cause of teeth grinding. […]

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