Tag Archives: grinding

Symptoms of Bruxism

Teeth grinding or bruxism can cause many different symptoms. The most common symptoms are headaches, facial pain and abnormal wearing or damage of the teeth. The effects from grinding the teeth are permanent but others, particularly facial pain can cease once the grinding comes to a halt. Teeth grinding symptoms include headaches, sometimes severe depending on how intense the grinding is, facial muscle pain known as myalgia, particularly in the jaw and cheek areas, earache, tightness of the shoulder muscles and pain in the jaw known as […]

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Causes and Treatment of Sleep Bruxism

It is estimated that around ten per cent of the population suffer from bruxism, a condition characterised by grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. Over time bruxism causes tooth wearing, damage and even breakage. Disorders of the jaw can also occur, causing pain and limited movement. Bruxism in most common in adults aged between twenty five and forty five but it is also known for children to grind their teeth. There are two types of bruxism, classified as awake bruxism and sleep bruxism. Symptoms […]

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Stress Related Bruxism

Most people who suffer from bruxism are not even aware that they actually grind or clench their teeth. Since it is something which is mainly done during sleep that is to say during the night, it is usually a second party or partner that detects the teeth grinding. Depending on how long it has been going on for, most people who have bruxism will have some damage to their teeth. This is generally seen as flattened tooth surfaces and harder and firmer muscles in the cheeks and […]

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Coping With Sleep Bruxism

About eight to 10 percent of the adult population have a secret malady called sleep bruxism, a sleep disorder characterized by the grinding or clenching of teeth. Some people do it unconsciously even when they are awake. Stress usually has something to do with it, but the origins of the disorder are quite varied. The effects of bruxism are seldom anywhere near as bad as during sleep when the body’s protective mechanisms are turned off. Without proper treatment, the condition may cause serious damage to the teeth […]

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